
Friday, July 27, 2012

Week #9: Miles from Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams

You know how everyone has words they don't like? Well maybe you don't understand, but I really don't like the word biscuit in certain contexts. "Nice biscuits." Or beefsteak. Even nugget. Makes me cringe. Anyway, there's a point here, I promise! In this book, Miles from Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams, the main character uses the words "mama" and "granddaddy" so many times and each time, for some reason I cringe and I wish she's just say MOM and GRANDPA! "Mama" reminds me of Little House on the Prairie (not that I ever watched it...seriously) or country bumpkin-living. Call me overly critical, but it bugged me every time!

This book is about a 14-year old girl, Lacey, who lives with her MAMA Angela who is simply crazy. It's evident she has mental health problems, basing her whole life on the advice her dead father's (GRANDDADDY's....ugh) ghost gives her. Examples: they can't open the windows because the evil spirits will come in, they have to stockpile food because the world is going to come to an end, and they can't turn lights on. She has also been known to wander around the neighborhood and glare in the neighbors' windows. Yup, she's the freak of the neighborhood, the one everyone whispers about. And poor Lacey has to act like the parent in the house, always taking care of her mother and never having a life of her own.

Most of the book is about Lacey dealing with her mother's state-of-mind and behaviors. She helps to get her mom a job at a local grocery store and when Lacey goes to meet her at the end of her mom's first shift, her mom has disappeared. Lacey searches all over for her, with the help of her first real friend (a boy from school who started talking to her on the bus that day). All of the whining on Lacey's part during the search is really annoying, but at least it leads to a surprising ending, the best part of the book.

In the midst of all this chaos, there are many flashbacks to earlier conversations and events in Lacey and Angela's lives, including many with Aunt Linda, Angela's sister who used to live with them. Aunt Linda was the best thing in Lacey's life, a true mom-like figure, so it scarred Lacey deeply when Angela kicked her out a year ago.

Overall, the plot isn't very complex, although you do really get to see how Lacey became so introverted and timid so props to the author for showing what a parent's mental health problem can do to a child. I'm hesitant to say Lacey is a very dynamic character though; she does make a friend, and she eventually recognizes she needs help finding her mom, but overall she seems static, even at the very end with some comments she makes.

Okay, I haven't complained too much about this book yet so I don't want you to be surprised at the low grade I'm about to give it. Complaints begin here: it's whiny. It's generally shallow. The focus on Aunt Linda leaving gets dragged out through the whole book. The relationship with Lacey's new boy friend seems completely unrealistic and cheesy. Did I mention it's whiny?

Themes: mental illness, depression, children taking on parents' roles, seeking help, escape
Would interest: girls who don't like deep books, someone who wants a fairly quick and easy read
Good for: girls grades 8-10
My grade: C+

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Week #8: Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride

I'm a sucker for award stickers on books. They always drive me in, thinking, "Well, if this book was good enough for a bunch of people to vote for it, I'll probably like it too!"

And so I grabbed Hold Me Closer, Necromancer off the shelf not knowing what to expect, the William C. Morris Debut Award Finalist sticker glimmering in the light. Little did I know it would fall into the supernatural/fantasy genre, which I usually can't stand. This book was okay. Really, just okay. Not super, not horrible...just okay enough for me to finish it and contemplate if I should file it in the "I actually like it" category. Still debating.

It's about a boy, Sam, who dropped out of college and works at a fast food place in Seattle. Due to a little mishap with a potato one night, Sam gets the crap kicked out of him by a mean customer who has noticed a "talent" in Sam that has never before surfaced. Sam is a necromancer and didn't even know it. If you're like me and have no idea what that word means (and if I did, I wouldn't have chosen this book.....cheers to my severe lack of vocabulary.... hint of sarcasm there), a necromancer can apparently bring the dead back as zombie-sorts, and control them.

Anyway, because Sam just learned of his talent and is now in major trouble with the most powerful necromancer in the area, Douglas, (and Douglas means business-- he killed Sam's friend and sent her talking head to him which he now keeps in a bowling bag) he seeks answers to a lot of questions he has, including why this secret has been kept from him. He learns about his mother's past (as well as her unique talents) and is in a time crunch to find and meet some family members. Toward the middle of the book, Sam is kidnapped by Douglas and held captive in a cage with a hot, naked fairy-were that he bonds with. Douglas starts to train Sam on how to use his powers, but things get out of control and soon Sam and his new powers are truly put to the test.

The author's writing style is fun and witty, and very light considering some of the deaths that occur. I have to admit, I was confused by what seemed to be a parallel story plot at the beginning of the book. I hate it when books and movies do that: you're following a story line and are really invested in it when all of a sudden new characters and a completely different plot are introduced. Then you have to wait, wait, wait until the two plots are somehow going to become linked together later because they always are. In the meantime, it's so frustrating as you wonder how much this other plot really matters and how closely you should be paying attention to names and details.  By the time the connection is revealed, you feel like you need to go back and reread a good portion of the beginning because you're like, "Damn, I should've paid more more attention to [whatever you didn't play attention to because you were mad the author did this]!" SO FRUSTRATING!

I did think the pacing of the book was at times uneven, as it slowed down a little in the middle, and then a major action scene toward the end was over in a flash.

I will, however, compliment the author's creativity in coming up with all these different characters and finding a way to wind them together-- witches, werewolves, fairies, necromancers, and other creatures. Most of the characters were strong and unique, which made their interactions interesting.

I'm not so sure my high school population that requests books about werewolves would actually go for this one, as it's kind of long and a lot different from something like Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater. It is, however, amusing if you can set aside your confusion enough to get to where the two plots converge. I feel a sequel coming, too. (I probably won't read it though. I mean, the zombie panda finally died and I was really depressed about that...)

Themes: identity, good vs. evil
Would interest: boys and girls, grades 9-12, motivated readers who like realistic books mixed with some fantasy
Good for: a fun read
My grade: B

Monday, July 16, 2012

Week #7: In Too Deep by Amanda Grace

Yuck. Boooo.

I had a hard time getting through this one, especially after reading Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children that had so much depth to it. This one was too shallow.

It's about a senior in high school, Samantha, who is secretly in love with her best friend/next door neighbor Nick. The book starts out with her getting ready for a party, and the reader learns how she's dressing to impress a football star (Carter) so he'll flirt with her and she can make Nick jealous. She drinks too much at the party, ends up in Carter's bedroom, and is rejected by him in a nasty, nasty way right before she falls over and bangs her head, ripping her clothes on furniture. She exits the bedroom in tears, and the school's gossip girl jumps to conclusions that Carter raped Samantha; Samantha nods her head yes, even though she's drunk and didn't even know what she was saying "yes" to.

The rest of the book (not long, only 228 pages) is about the rumor spiraling out of control and Samantha's inability to set everyone straight for this reason or that. For a little while Samantha thinks maybe Carter deserves some of this treatment and being thrown off his gold pedestal, since she learns how he said and did awful things to other girls, too. Still, she has to suffer the repercussions of her lie, including harassment by sports jocks, damage done to her car, and more.

At the same time, there are two other smaller storylines going on: Samantha and Nick's growing romance, and Samantha's relationship with her controlling army-sargeant-like father. Samantha needs to learn to make her own decisions, gain self-confidence, and believe in herself. The conclusion is predictable and it's disappointing how it rolls out.

I chose this book because the summary on the back drew me in, but I was disappointed. The major storyline lacked depth and it was obnoxious to be in Samantha's head the whole time, hearing the same thoughts over and over and over. "I need to tell the truth, I need to tell the truth, I need to tell the truth." Shut up already and do it! And think something else more interesting, too!

As a reader, you already know nothing good is going to come from this mess of lies. It's just a matter of finding out how destructive it will be. The whole message about how rumors are bad and can spiral out of control to ruin lives (like I said, not deep at all) can be predicted as soon as Samantha leaves the party on page 20.

Good for: someone who likes to start rumors and needs to gain some perspective by reading an example.....that's it.
Would interest: girls grades 8-10
Themes: rumors and gossip, truth, harassment
My grade: B-

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Week 6: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

You've got to read this one!

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs is the best book I've read so far on this blogging journey! Fantasy....not usually my genre of choice, but this is one that caught me by surprise, and I have a feeling it's going to be big!

It's about a teenager named Jacob. His grandfather dies at the beginning of the book under somewhat mysterious circumstances, but right before he dies, he whispers some jibberish to Jacob who has spent his life debating whether or not his grandpa is crazy. Jacob also finds a letter from a woman his grandfather knew, and this leads him (along with his dad) on a journey to an island near Wales where his grandfather grew up. While Jacob tries to make sense of the jibberish his grandfather had muttered and put together some puzzle pieces, Jacob learns about a whole other realm, causing a lot of drama along the way.

There are mysteries to be figured out, and a great deal of suspense in this book. As I was reading I was thinking about how during almost every part of the book, there was something left unresolved, or some mystery that I knew was about to be revealed-- great motivation to keep reading! I didn't want to put it down! It didn't drag on or ever slow down, and one of the coolest characteristics of this book was that entwined with the story were old-looking/vintage photographs of children, drawings, scenes mentioned, and more. Jacob described the photographs of his grandfather's that he came across, and while the reader can sort of come up with a mental image based on the descriptions, (like a boy who had bees living in his stomach), the picture made the vision so much clearer so you can really understand why Jacob thought that it may or may not have been photoshopped or altered.

I was worried that all of my questions wouldn't be answered by the end, but indeed they were. The explanations were sometimes so complex that I had to reread particular parts. The storyline was obviously well-thought-out, and a sequel is coming in Spring 2013. (Why wouldn't the author write a a sequel? This one was a NY Times Bestseller!) I just consulted my old friend Wikipedia, and it appears that the movie rights have been bought, too. Like I said, I know this is going to be big!

This book is great for any reader, and I think adults would even really like it. Check out Ransom Rigg's book trailer below, and you'll be hooked!

Would interest: both boys and girls, grades 7-12, and adults
Good for: a general good book, suspense, mystery,
Themes: acceptance, death, exploration, reality
My grade: A